Dr. Duane Voskuil
1002 North 8th Street
Bismarck, ND 58501
E-mail: dvoskuil@bis.midco.net
Web Site: http://bis.midco.net/dvoskuil/
Robert John Spear
Violin Maker
PO Box 6562
Ithaca, New York 14851
All new family instruments on personal and original New Violin Family models.
Student of C. M. Hutchins in the 1970s and 80s.
Joseph F. Conrad II
Maker of Fine String Instruments
Email: violins2@msn.com
Web Site: www.maestronet.com/conrad
Warren Ellison
Violin Maker
325 Browns Trace
Jericho, VT 05465
Email: info@warrenellison.com
Web Site: www.warrenellison.com
Carolyn Wilson Field
Violin Maker
67 Forest at Duke Drive
Durham, NC 27705
(919) 493-5267
Email: ffield@nc.rr.com
Student of Carleen Hutchins. Twenty-five years experience in
construction of conventional and New Violin Family instruments.
MOdest performere on alto violin.
Available to consult concerning the smaller NVF instruments
- alto to treble - and to assist with graduation, assembly
and set-up and strings.

Steve McCann
757 Hawthorne NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
E-mail: mcsteve49503@yahoo.com
Over 20 years experience making, repairing and restoring instruments. A student of Dr. Carleen Hutchins in the early 1980's. Willing to make any or all new violin family instruments.
Joris Wouters
Tolhuis 5
B-2260 Westerlo
tel/fax 32 (0)14 540108
E-mail: joris@violin.be
Web Site: http://www.violin.be
Thomas Knatt
Luthier's Workshop
687 Townsend Road
Groton MA 01450
Student of C. M. Hutchins in the 1970's and 1980's. Made the
original "Yo
Yo La", the alto which Yo Yo Ma played with the Toronto
Symphony. He later recorded with one of Carleen's altos.
Available for teaching instrument making.